On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 3:49 PM, Robert Muller <robert.muller2@gmail.com> wrote:
Exactly! Reason may be great, but OCaml is effectively being expropriated by a huge, powerful organization.

Also, sorry, but this is pure hyperbole.

The Reason team has a select few people who have to, like any other tools team, make the case to every potential internal client about why to use their tool. They don't automatically get full Facebook backing just because they exist. In fact, they have to compete against the much more well-known Flow project for JavaScript type annotations. Their biggest win so far as is they're migrating the Facebook Messenger webapp to Reason and are about halfway there.

In fact they are tossing around the idea of building tools that automatically display your OCaml code to you in your favourite syntax, so you don't have to care about what others are using.

So it's far from a foregone conclusion that Reason syntax will take over the OCaml ecosystem.

