let rec h () = ... then h ()... 

will define (and apply a function) 

Iet rec value = .. value  

is something totally different

În joi, 17 mar. 2016 la 17:33, Antoine Rimlet <antoine.rimlet@gmail.com> a scris:

I'm trying to write a recursive function that would work like a for loop:

let rec forloop g v u =
  let x = ref v in let rec h = begin g !x; x := !x + 1; if !x <= u then h end
  in h;;

I know this is horribly far from the functional spirit, but anyway ocaml complains that "This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec'". It seems to me that this function definition has a meaning, so why is it rejected? What should I do to get it accepted by ocaml?

Many thanks in advance,
