After reading this thread, I'm starting to thinking about another option, namely: "local un-open", because I certainly dislike ambiguity.

So, maybe, something like:

Vec.( ^(3 * v) * vx + vy)

where anything in ^(... ) is not subject local open.


În Mar, 4 aug. 2015 la 12:40, Daniel Bünzli <> a scris:
Le mardi, 4 août 2015 à 10:26, Goswin von Brederlow a écrit :
> > let ox = V2.((dot v ox) * ox) in
> > V2.(3 * ox + oy)
> What is wrong with that code?
> I'm assuming V2 has:
> val (+): t -> t -> t
> val (*): int -> t -> t
> val dot: t -> t -> int

It also has

val ox : t


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