Wow, I completely overlooked that. I was convinced that Gzip.input/Gzip.really_input returned the number of *compressed* characters read. I misread "uncompresses up to len characters" as "advances the compressed buffer up to len characters". The phrase "[Gzip.input] returns the actual number of characters read" didn't help me either.

Anyway, thanks a lot, it's much simpler than I expected!

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 6:38 PM, David Allsopp <> wrote:
Dhek Uir wrote:
> But since camlzip does not have an input_value function, it seems I must set up
> a buffer to decompress the data, then use Marshal to obtain input data from the
> decompressed buffer. But if I use Marshal.from_string to read the decompressed
> buffer, then I need to keep track of its position (which is not returned by
> Marshal.from_string), and check whether the buffer is nearly empty, so that I
> may need to re-read from the compressed in_channel, etc, etc. Did I miss the
> right function again?

Marshal has everything you need:

let input_value ch =
  let header = String.create Marshal.header_size
    Gzip.really_input ch header 0 Marshal.header_size;
    let buffer = String.create (Marshal.total_size header 0)
      Gzip.really_input ch buffer Marshal.header_size (Marshal.data_size header 0);
      String.unsafe_blit header 0 buffer 0 Marshal.header_size;
      Marshal.from_string buffer 0
