
On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Anil Madhavapeddy <> wrote:
On 10 Jan 2015, at 18:44, Kenneth Adam Miller <> wrote:
> The only thing I think the ocaml environment is missing is a static check of the surrounding environment for the tools that will be used, for use in opam. That way, when stuff builds, you get told all the dependencies instead of doing iterations of finding each missing thing by hand.

There's an OPAM plugin that the automated tests use that you may be interested in trying out.

Install it with:

    opam install opam-installext

Then, if you have `sudo` configured correct you can just do:

    opam installext <pkg1> <pkg2> ...

It will query the `depexts` field for each package which contains OS-specific external dependencies.

It's still not particularly well integrated into OPAM as it's external, but full support is in the works so that a plugin won't be needed in future revisions of OPAM.
