I understand other people have written those things before, and that it's probably not so challenging to someone else, and I'm not saying I can't or wouldn't write it, but I'm under deadline pressure, and I think it would not be looked up on well if I had something with anywhere near so many features or as much work to deliver since if they even exist. Since I have to demonstrate this, the first question they are going to ask is "you spent more than X minutes working on this when you could have been working on the minimum viable product!! Unhappy!!" So I'm not disregarding the input I've got, but I think that I can achieve a less robust working version with the same set of features in a simpler fashion. So, instead I think can get something very near to a full grammar, while still allowing the fundamental operations I want. Here's what I've got: type setop = | Intersection | Difference | Union [@@deriving sexp] let list_setops = [ "Intersection", Intersection; "Difference", Difference; "Union", Union; ] let setops_doc = List.(to_string ~f:fst (list_setops)) let setops = let doc = "." in Cmdliner.Arg.( value & opt_all (some (pair ~sep:'=' string & pair (enum (list_setops)) & pair string string)) [] & info ["setop"] ~docv:setops_doc ~doc ) Instead of having an recursive variant instance in the type setop place to allow the grammar to be recursive, I will fold over the setops, and add each one to a map. For example, I might have: --setop Red=Union (Feature1, Feature2) --setop Green=Intersection (Red, Feature3) So that, as I fold, I will add colors to the feature set. Then, for whatever nested operations otherwise would have been required, I can just manually unfold them on the command line. I guess I've solved my problem, but I was hoping to get a recursive parsing capability on the command line that would have supporting a type declaration more like the following: type setop = | Result of setop | Intersection of string * string | Difference of string * string | Union of string * string The problem with this is, 1) the constructors are non-uniform so that there isn't a clean way to specify to the Cmdliner.Arg.value function what the converter should be 2) The list type of their resulting pairwise sub-command specifications to the command line (the "enum list_setops" part) becomes much harder to specify since those also need to be constructible in the string - type pairs for the list_setops argument to enum. I suppose my thinking about how to deal with this would be to write a custom conv to convert the command line input, but to do so it would have to be recursive, and the Cmdliner.Arg.enum would have to support both non-uniform constructors and an argument conv to be able to do this correctly. Does anybody have a better way to capture what I'm looking to do? On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 10:54 AM Андрей Бергман wrote: > Probably a parser combinator with a small language would be a better tool > for that. Parser generators look too heavy, and comman-line parsers are too > light (otherwise they become optparse-applicative, which is too specific to > study it => everyone uses cookbook). > -- Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs