Hello all,

I wrote a particular application, and after profiling I can see that the garbage collector is using 95% of the time in the application and that it uses up to 6 gigs of memory on a 1 megabyte input file for a run that totals out to be about 2 minutes. A 27 kilobyte input file takes seconds to run, so I know that there is some explosive leak or otherwise terrible issue with the space complexity here. I doubled down, and got compilation to run to completion using _tags to make sure that there were symbols and profiling turned on (thanks Ivan, Drup). 

Additionally, I compiled my application with spacetime and ran it to obtain a `spacetime-<pid>` binary, which I then attempted to get a report on with prof_spacetime. prof_spacetime went up to about 7.3 gigs in memory usage before it repeatedly would die with `Killed` or `Stack overflow` as the error. I'm trying to figure out what else there is I can do to make sure that the process runs to completion. I double checked to make sure that I was running the prof_spacetime command built with just a 4.04.0 compiler to ensure that it wouldn't profile itself while trying to "Process series". My spacetime dump is about 900 Mb, so I understand that it would use some memory processing it. Possibly I ran into a space leak while trying to find a space leak. 

In the meantime, I will try and find some intermediate size input to get something I can work on - thought I should report this.