
I'm just getting started with ocaml, following along with the new "Real World Ocaml" book.

I built the latest dev on osx and also installed the ocaml binaries.  I am getting errors with OcaIDE. Eclipse:
OCaml version 4.00.1

Cannot find file topfind.

Unknown directive `camlp4o'.

I've tried a number of things to get it going to no avail.

I added the following to ~/.ocamlinit :
let () =
  try Topdirs.dir_directory (Sys.getenv "OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH")
  with Not_found -> ()

to ~/.bash_profile I added :

export OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH=/Users/caseybasichis/.opam/4.01.0dev+trunk/lib/toplevel
eval `opam config env`

I also tried adding those to ~/.profile

I also tried building and make installing findlib-1.4 

If you have any ideas of how I might get this running I would greatly appreciate it, I am very much looking forward to hello world hallelujah.


Casey James Basichis
Composer - Adventure Time - Cartoon Network