Sorry about that. The environment is used in a Principles of Programming Languages class for 4th-year undergraduate university students.
Bob Muller

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 2:52 AM Yann Régis-Gianas <> wrote:
Hi Robert,

the subject of your email refers to "teaching" so just to be sure, are you looking for an environment to teach OCaml? In that case, can you describe the profile of your students? I am convinced that there is not a single answer to this question depending on the background of your students.


Le mar. 30 oct. 2018 à 01:31, Robert Muller <> a écrit :
Greetings. I've been using OCaml in my programming languages course for many years. But I haven't been keeping up with best practices vis-a-vis a common environment for unix (MacOS) and Windows users. I've been using Vagrant/Virtual Box, with atom + merlin and make files. (Merlin is fantastic.) I believe that I should upgrade the build system to use Dune, but I'm not sure about the rest of it. If you know of other aspects of this setup that I should upgrade, I'd appreciate the heads up.
Bob Muller

Yann Régis-Gianas