On 3 August 2012 08:50, Alain Frisch <alain@frisch.fr> wrote:

I don't know if this covers all the case, but you need to keep in mind the following points.  Feel free to add to the list.

Thanks for nice and structured answer! 

I'll try to expand it with my cases, but due to lack of comprehension they will not be so clear =)

So the setup is follows: I have a class with a type explicitly specified in mli file. No inference on it's methods. And a function, that takes some object and type system tries to infer what objects it can accept. 

Starting from a  simple case:

let reset_env_model state v =
  let q = Queue.create () in
  Queue.iter (fun p -> v#expand_row p) q

produces an error:
    This expression has type GTree.view
       but an expression was expected of type < expand_row : 'a -> unit; .. >
       Types for method expand_row are incompatible

because expand_row method of type GTree.view has type:
   expand_row : Gtk.tree_path -> unit;

I think, that compiler have a reason to refuse this code: function wants a method, that can take an arbitrary value of type 'a, but I pass a method that has a covariant type Gtk.tree_path in position left to arrow. So he complains correctly. I agree =) I think that this case has some correspondence with your  case #1.

But, why in the following code:

let reset_env_model state v =
  let q = Queue.create () in
  let m,_,_ = State.env_model state in
  m#foreach (fun p _ -> if v#row_expanded p then Queue.push p q; false);
  set_env_model state v;
  Queue.iter (fun p -> v#expand_row p) q

compiler cannot infer, that object p has type Gtk.tree_path, and with this proposition imply, that the expand_row method has a type "Gtk.tree_path -> unit"?