On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Yaron Minsky <yminsky@janestreet.com> wrote:
Core_kernel is pure OCaml, and so should work fine on Windows (and Javascript!)

Actually some dependencies of core_kernel have C code, like bin_prot:


On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:23 AM, David Allsopp <dra-news@metastack.com> wrote:
> William wrote:
>> we are considering using OCaml for a rather large project,
>> the bulk of which will be networking and encryption. OCaml
>> seems to meet our needs with one exception: we'd like to
>> target windows (as well as linux & mac) and we got the
>> impression that this would be complicated -- we gathered
>> that neither jane street's Core nor OPAM are windows compatible.
> It's more complicated than Linux (& Mac), but not overly so.
>> Would still recommend using OCaml? Are there workarounds, or
>> other libraries that would replace Core?
> I believe Core_kernel aims to be the platform-neutral parts of core? There are other Jane Street libs which compile just fine on Windows. Batteries, as others have noted, works out of the box. Usually, I find that the biggest problem in third party libs is in build systems (becoming less so with Oasis, OCamlbuild and so on) making naïve decisions about Windows but that doesn't usually take much patching.
> Most of what I do is Windows-oriented, but some of what I've done is Windows and Linux. My experience is that it's important to keep Windows in the picture early on to avoid pain later - so ensure that daily builds are working on Windows or perhaps that one of your developers is always working on Windows or something... that should avoid accidentally selecting a Unix-only library and only realising that a painfully long way down the road (or that the library you thought was cross-platform contains an assert false for the function you need when running on Windows!). If you write something which works on Windows in OCaml it will probably translate with little pain to Linux but the reverse isn't necessarily true.
> While OPAM is great, I personally find that downloading and compiling a library, even by hand, represents an insignificant amount of time compared with reading its documentation, evaluating its samples and so on in the overall process of working out whether I want to use a component... but apparently the pain of not having a package manager really, really, really hurts people coming from the Unix world ;o)
> HTH,
> David
> --
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