2013/9/15 Adrien Nader > Can you explain how this relates to Camomile? Is this meant to be a > replacement at some point in the future? > Yes, it is meant to replace Camomile in the future. I think there are several problems in Camomile. 1. Monolithic. Camomile is a large library. it forces you to install many encodings even if you want to just, say, use UTF-8. I will brake Camomile into the pieces. ucorelib will be a core part of such libraries. 2. Not type safe. UTF-8 string exposes internal byte strings. ucorelib will provide abstract Text data type whose internal data structure is hidden. 3. Imperative. Camomile mimics OCaml standard strings which are imperative. Instead, ucorelib and related libraries will be purely functional. 4. Functor. Camomile uses functor a lot. Unfortunately this seems to repel the beginners. ucorelib uses the module language essential ways (code converters are implemented by using first class modules) but for casual users it does not requires any knowledge of OCaml's module system. 5. Data files. Camomile needs to external data files to start. This causes a lot of problems. ucorelib does not need external data files. 6. Unicode version. I want to upgrade everything to Unicode 0.6.X, not 0,3,X. Best, -- Yoriyuki Yamagata yoriyuki.y@gmail.com