To my experience, this is a bad practice, that produces lots of confusion to students. 
They should clearly understand difference between writing code in a toplevel and normal programming. A difference between 
definition on a module level, and an expression. I usually say that `;;` is not a part of a language, but just a part of a toplevel
command syntax (as well as toplevel directives), and strictly require not to put `;;` in code.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Alan Schmitt <> wrote:

In my Ocaml class, I tend to promote the use of ";;" to separate phrases
(I'm basically following
although I was not aware of this page when I created the course). My
motivation is to minimize the difference between using the top-level and
writing files.

I am now wondering if this is a good practice. In a nutshell, would you
rather use

#+begin_src ocaml
let x = 12;;
print_endline "Hello World!"


#+begin_src ocaml
let x = 12
let () = print_endline "Hello World!"

when teaching Ocaml?



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