On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 9:35 AM, Alain Frisch <alain.frisch@lexifi.com> wrote:
(Another argument in favor of the status quo is that writing "FloatArray.get a i" is syntactically heavier than "a.(i)". Interestingly, I don't feel that the ability to write polymorphic code on arrays and apply it to (unboxed) float arrays is considered as a very important property.)

This  is not a big issue, as you can write:

    module Array = FloatArray

and it resolve to a call to the FloatArray.get function, as x.(i) is a syntactic sugar for `Array.get x i`. The same is true to bigarrays. This is kind of a non-documented  feature, though. 

-- Alain

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