It is possible to generalize this approach using private row types. list_fns.mli: module Registry(Obj : sig type t = private < .. > end) : sig val register_obj : string -> Obj.t -> unit val get_obj : string -> Obj.t end module Registry(Obj : sig type t = private < .. > end) = struct let objs = ref [] let register_obj name obj = objs := (name, obj) :: !objs let get_obj name = List.assoc name !objs end class foo = object method hello = "hello from foo" method goodbye () = print_endline "goodbye" end class bar = object method hello = "hello from bar" end module Bars = List_fns.Registry(struct type t = bar end) let () = let o1 = new foo in let o2 = new bar in Bars.register_obj "o1" (o1 :> bar); Bars.register_obj "o2" (o2 ); print_endline ("calling o1: " ^ (Bars.get_obj "o1")#hello); print_endline ("calling o2: " ^ (Bars.get_obj "o2")#hello) The List_fns.Registry functor will create a monomorphic registry for the specified base type. Probably, this may help you :) Best wishes, Ivan Gotovchits On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 12:38 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote: > On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 06:28:51PM +0100, Damien Guichard wrote: > > > > Hi Richard. > > > > Is this the code you want ? > > > > type 'a obj_list = 'a list > > constraint 'a = < hello : string; .. > as 'a > > Perhaps. Is it possible to write the list_fns.mli interface > using this? > > Rich. > > > -- > Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives: > > Beginner's list: > Bug reports: >