Dear list,

We are proud to announce a stable public release of Binary Analysis Platform [1]. This is our tenth public release, but the first one with a stabilized API, so now it is safe to start to use it. 

Binary Analysis Platform is a framework for writing program analysis
tools, that target binary files. The framework consists of a plethora
of libraries, plugins, and frontends. The libraries provide code
reusability, the plugins facilitate extensibility, and the frontends
serve as entry points. Basically, BAP can be seen as Frama-C for binaries :)

BAP comes with a comprehensive searchable documentation [2], based on our own fork of argot project. We also have a wiki and permanently manned chat, where you can get help. 

At the time of writing, BAP.1.0.0 didn't yet land up into the opam-repository [3], so if you want to try it, you should use our opam-repository, 

    opam repo add bap git://

So that you can install bap and its system dependencies with

    opam depext --install bap

Alternatively, you can use Vagrantfile, shipped with the main repository to build a virtual machine provisioned with bap. Or, you can use a docker image, e.g.,

    docker run binaryanalysisplatform/bap bap /bin/ls -dasm

Finally, if you really want to play with BAP on a daily basis, and do the research in the field binary analysis and reverse engineering, then consider applying to the CMU PhD program and join David Brumley's research team. (You can apply to both ECE[4] and SCS[5] programs, even simultaneously).

Best wishes,
Binary Analysis Platform Team
