Probably it is an abstract type, that is represented as string. In any case you can use the `#install_printer` directive to enable printing any type. The argument
is a function of type `t -> Format.formatter -> unit`, where `t` is a name of your type. 

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 11:24 AM, Tom Ridge <> wrote:
Dear All,

I am debugging some code. For various reasons I have started to use ocamldebug rather than printf.

I should say that ocamldebug is excellent. Really excellent. Especially the "backwards" stepping.

However, sometimes I want to see the value of a particular variable. I can use the "p" (print) command as:

(ocd) p kra
kra: Key_value_types.key = <abstr>

The problem is that I know that kra is a string. But ocamldebug only shows <abstr>. 

Admittedly the code is functorized. But I have a feeling I should be able to tweak something to get ocamldebug to print the value of kra.

Any ideas?