It's also a question of efficiency, signaling an absence of data with an exception is usually more efficient, than signaling the presence of data by wrapping it in some data constructor, as the latter needs an allocation. Thus a function that raised an exception is more basic, than a function that returns an optional value, as the former can be translated into the latter, but not vice versa if you take an allocation into account.

On Oct 20, 2017 6:55 AM, "David Allsopp" <> wrote:
Malcolm Matalka wrote:
> I have a question in two parts:
> 1. Would this be a good idea? Why? (I'll describe why I think it is)
> 2. If it were a good idea, is it feasible to do?
> Full question:
> Despite exceptions being a part of the language, there is a trend in
> many libraries to try to avoid using them.  While I cannot find it, I
> recall someone (Daniel maybe?) saying that the standard API advice is
> that exceptions should not cross API boundaries.
> The short reason for why people seem to want to avoid exceptions (which
> I agree with) is that they side step the type system for helping you
> understand if your code is correct and handles all situations the code
> might experience.  Since the exn type is open, it means that one can
> add any exception they want so it's not even known what exceptions you
> might get ahead of time.
> Another aspect of exceptions, which might be more of my personal
> experience, is that exceptions tend to be pretty useless after the
> fact.  For example, forgetting to handle a Not_found exception is an
> exercise in pain.  Maybe I'm just bad at this, but many exceptions just
> aren't that useful.  End_of_file is another one that, IMO, makes the
> program flow pretty awkward and if you have multiple files you're
> reading from at the same time quite ugly.  I tend to use wrappers that
> give me an option based API.  Maybe I just bad at solving these
> problems though and I'm the problem.
> The consequence of this is that even though I put a lot of effort in my
> code trying to avoid exceptions, I can never actually know that I have
> succeeded unless I'm very defensive and wrap all foreign calls in some
> exception handling code.  There are APIs for this, but if I mess up
> then I'm in a bad spot.
> My proposal is that exceptions becomes a closed type and they reflect
> what Java calls "errors", which are things your program logic should
> generally not handle but can choose to if it wants to (I think we call
> these failures in Ocaml).  The two specific exceptions I can think if
> that should exist are: Assertion_failure and Out of Memory.  Another
> one that I think might be nice but is open for debate is a
> Not_implemented_failure, I use something like this often while building
> a system.  I'm sure there are a few more that people can think of are
> meaningful, but the point is these represent pretty bad situations that
> the program logic shouldn't handle except in special situations.

Without wishing to open old debating wounds too much, the argument of exceptions as errors tends to come down as to whether the thing signalled by an exception is truly exceptional. Not_found, for example, in some scenarios is as unexpected or impossible as Invalid_argument. Historically, they're (ab)used for performance reasons, but some of the overhead of that is being addressed in flambda. Note that for some arguable design mistakes - e.g. End_of_file, you can use exception matching to get around this, e.g.

match input_line ch with
| data -> ...
| exception End_of_file -> ...

which means that the old pattern

let data = try Some (input_line ch) with End_of_file -> None

is only needed if you need to compile with OCaml < 4.02

If you haven't come across it, is an interesting piece of older research around dealing with handling exceptions.

What your proposal does overlook slightly is the use of exceptions for actual flow control. See for example, an oldish post of Alain Frisch's at However, uses of exceptions like this may at some point be subsumed by Algebraic Effects which are being worked on by various people, mostly with multicore OCaml in mind. There's lots of links to that in as well as other literature elsewhere online.



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