Hi list,

We had a successful meeting last Friday for our first Cambridge functional programmers meetup. As requested by those who turned up, I've created a meetup group to help us organize. If you are interested, please join here:


We're probably going to have another meeting in early December. It will probably just be another pub meetup. If you've got any requests for dates or for particular pubs, please let me know.

Now that we've got an online home at meetup.com, I'll avoid spamming this list with future announcements. Thanks,


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Mike McClurg <mike.mcclurg@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi list,

We're starting a functional programming group in Cambridge, UK, called
NonDysFunctional. We're having our first meet up this Friday from 5pm
to 9pm at the Old Spring Pub. Feel free to come at any time during
that window. Citrix has kindly offered to pay for everyone's beer, so
come thirsty!

See our website for more information, including a map to the Old
Spring: http://nondysfunctional.wikidot.com/blog:2

Also, we will be tweeting about future events on @nondysfun

If you think you might come, please email me, just so I have an idea
of how many people might turn up. You don't have to register in order
to come, however. Hope to see you there!
