Hi, I'm trying to create a mockup module to replace a network module when doing testing. The application consists of basically 3 parts. Some user interaction. This calls some logic of the application, and the logic module might need to call some other functions over the network. For testing I want to make a mockup of the network module, in addition to synthesize the user interaction. I want to test the logic module. The application has the following files: net_lib.ml: let util_fun a = a let foo a b = a + b let bar a b = a - b logic.ml: let state = ref 0 let get_state () = !state let do_op a b = incr state; (Net_lib.foo a b) * (Net_lib.bar (Net_lib.util_fun a) b ) main_appl.ml: let () = let a, b = Scanf.scanf "%d %d\n" (fun a b -> a,b) in Printf.printf "Foo %d %d\n%!" (Logic.get_state ()) (Logic.do_op a b) let () = let a, b = Scanf.scanf "%d %d\n" (fun a b -> a,b) in Printf.printf "Foo %d %d\n%!" (Logic.get_state ()) (Logic.do_op a b) For testing I have the following modules: net_lib_mockup.ml include Net_lib let foo a b = 1 let bar a b = 1 logic_mockup.ml: module Net_lib = Net_lib_mockup include Logic main_test.ml: module Logic = Logic_mockup let () = let a, b = (1, 1) in Printf.printf "Test %d %d\n%!" (Logic.get_state ()) (Logic.do_op a b) let () = let a, b = (10, 1) in Printf.printf "Test %d %d\n%!" (Logic.get_state ()) (Logic.do_op a b) The problem is that the "include Logic" has already 'bound' the functions in Logic to the Net_lib module and will not use the Net_lib_mockup that I try to use through a moudle alias. If i replace the 'include Logic' with the actual content of the logic.ml file, then the functions get bound to the Logic_mockup functions, and the test works as they should. Are there some trick to get the 'include Logic', in logic_mockup.ml, to use to the Net_lib_mockup module and not the Net_lib module, so that I don't have to do copy and paste between the two files? Regards, Hans Ole Rafaelsen