Dear all, Thanks a lot for your help. Things are much clearer now. Abdallah 2015-10-13 20:45 GMT+11:00 Jeremy Yallop : > On 13 October 2015 at 07:15, Ben Millwood > wrote: > > I'll advance on others' advice by pointing out that if you say: > > > > type never = private [`never] > > > > then you neither "use up" a constructor name nor is it possible to write > an > > expression with type never. > > A nit: there are lots of *expressions* of type 'never', such as > '(assert false: never)'. However, there are no (closed) *values* of > type 'never'. > > > Unfortunately, the compiler still doesn't realise that, so it > > doesn't help you for pattern-matching. > > The gadt-warnings branch, which is described here: > > GADTs and exhaustiveness: looking for the impossible > Jacques Garrigue's and Jacques Le Normand > ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML, September 2015 > > > > includes better supports for "empty" types. For example, here's a > definition of an empty type 'wrong': > > type 'a is_true = T: [`True] is_true > type wrong = [`False] is_true > > and here's a function definition which omits a case that you can > deduce is unmatchable when you know that 'wrong' is empty: > > let f : wrong option -> unit = fun None -> () > > The current OCaml compiler (4.02.3) issues a warning for 'f': > > Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. > Here is an example of a value that is not matched: > Some _ > > In contrast, the compiler in the gadt-warnings branch compiles 'f' > without complaint (and generates more efficient code, since there's no > need to inspect the argument). > > Jeremy. >