Great work everyone! Programming in OCaml just wouldn't be the same without Merlin.

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Frédéric Bour <> wrote:
After months of development, we are pleased to announce the stable release of Merlin 2.0.
Supported OCaml versions range from 4.00 to 4.02.1.

Merlin is a tool focused on helping you code in OCaml, by providing features such as:
- automatic completion of identifiers, using scope and type informations,
- interactively typing definitions and expressions during edition,
- jumping to the definition of any identifier,
- quickly reporting errors in the editor.

This release provides great improvements in robustness and quality of analysis. Files that changed on disk are now automatically reloaded. The parsing process is finer grained to provide more accurate recovery and error messages. Integration with JaneStreet Core and js_of_ocaml has also improved.

Vim & Emacs are still the main targeted editors. Preliminary support for Sublime Text is also available, see . Help is welcome to improve and extend supported editing environments.

Windows support also received some fixes. Merlin is now distributed in WODI. Integration in OCaml-on-windows is planned.

This new version of merlin is already available with opam using `opam install merlin`, and can also be built from the sources which are available at

We want to thank: Yotam Barnoy, Jacques-Pascal Deplaix, Geoff Gole, Rudi Grinberg, Steve Purcell and Jan Rehders, who all contributed to this release. Thanks to Luc Rocher for providing initial integration with Sublime Text. 
We also thank Gabriel Scherer and JaneStreet for their continued support.

The Merlin team
