Dear caml-list, The OCaml Software Foundation is developing the teaching platform Learn-OCaml that provides auto-graded exercises for OCaml, and was initially authored by OCamlPro for the OCaml MOOC: The platform is free software and easy to deploy; this is great, but as a result we keep learning of users/deployments that we had no idea of. We would be interested in having a better view of our user-base. If you use Learn-OCaml as a teacher, could you answer this email (To: and let us know? Ideally we would like to know: - Where are you using Learn-OCaml? → in which university (in a specific course?), or in which company, online community or … ? - How many students/learners use your deployment in a year? Also FYI: - For an example of Learn-OCaml instance, see - Last October we had a 0.13.0 release, full of new features: - For any question related to Learn-OCaml, feel free to create a discussion topic on , category Community, tag *learn-ocaml*. - And if need be, opening an issue in if of course warmly welcome as well. Kind regards, Erik Martin-Dorel for the Learn-OCaml team -- Érik Martin-Dorel