You may also consider this:

let prefixprint oc fmt = Printf.fprintf oc ("Prefix: " ^^ fmt)

Best regards,

2016-08-12 13:51 GMT+01:00 Kakadu <>:

Something lke this?

let printfn fmt = kprintf (printf "%s\n") fmt

Happy hacking,

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Soegtrop, Michael
<> wrote:
> Dear Ocaml Users,
> it is quite common to have wrappers for printf to e.g. print errors or
> warnings with some context. Prefixing is easy to do in OCaml (honestly it
> took me a short while to figure it out):
> let prefixprintf (oc : out_channel) (fmt : ('a, out_channel, unit) format) :
> 'a =
>   Printf.fprintf oc "Prefix: ";
>   Printf.fprintf oc fmt
> ;;
> I wonder how I would postfix something. Even converting the formatted output
> first to a string and then output it together with the postfix doesn’t seem
> to be easy, because the formatting function must be the last call in the
> function, since it has to produce the returned function. Is there some way
> to make a variadic lambda expression or some other magic to handle such
> cases? A similar question would be how I can print the same formatted string
> twice.
> I don’t have an application for this, I ask this out of pure OCaml
> curiosity. So I am not so much interested in workarounds, more in an answer
> to the question how I can return a function of type ‘a without more or less
> directly calling some variant of printf.
> Best regards,
> Michael
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