Do you mean something like this?

let g = function 0 -> raise G | n -> n
let f = function 1 -> raise F | n -> n

map f (map g [1;0]) ===> raise G
map (f %> g) [1;0]  ===> raise F

It is true, the exception prevents any optimization that would reorder
two functions that both throw an excepition.

But many other
optimizations are still possible, e.g. common subexpression

let n =
  let x = f (g 1) in
  let y = g 1 in
  x + y


let n =
  let t = g 1 in
  let x = f t in
  let y = t in
  x + y

To some degree:

let n =
  let x = f (g 1) (h ()) in
  let y = g 1 in

is a different program than

let n =
  let t = g 1 in
  let x = f t (h ()) in
  let y = t in

As it reorders (g 1) and (h ()). I think the rule is something like: when the program is in monadic form, and you have a call to e, you can factor in every subsequent calls to e. Which I guess is good enough. But I would tend to believe deforestation would be tremendously more useful than common expression elimination.


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