I see you are using Unix.kill to kill processes. But I was under the impression that it didn't work properly on Windows. Am I mistaken?

On 9 October 2013 11:09, Romain Bardou <romain.bardou@inria.fr> wrote:
I am happy to announce the first release of Procord, a portable library
to delegate tasks to other processes.

Obtain it with opam:

  opam install procord

Or, download the tarball:


View a minimal, commented example:


You can browse the API at:


Procord can spawn local worker processes or communicate using sockets to
a remote worker server. Workers will receive an input, execute a
function on this input, and send back the result. Meanwhile, the main
program can continue to run while waiting for the results.

Not relying on threads, Procord is robust - a segmentation fault in the
worker will not kill the main program. Not relying on fork, Procord is
portable - it has been tested on Linux and Windows.

Procord provides an easy way to have the same executable act as a worker
- local or remote - or as the main program. The actual behavior can be
specified on the command-line. The default is to run as the main
program, which delegates tasks by running itself.

I will present Procord at the OUPS meeting of this evening.

Romain Bardou

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