Can anyone help me out with this?

In short, I'm doing a HTTP POST with a handler along the lines of:
fun ((resp : Cohttp_async.Response.t)
    , (body : Cohttp_async.Body.t)) : unit Or_error.t ->
     let r : string Async.Pipe.Reader.t = Cohttp_async.Body.to_pipe body in
     let _ =
        ~f:(fun s -> Async.return (printf "%s" s)) in
      (Ok () : unit Or_error.t)


Each time I invoke the program I get, more or less output (very occasionally none) but never all of it. The response header says it's "fixed  2700816" and indeed, if I replace the code above with
fun ((resp : Cohttp_async.Response.t)
    , (body : Cohttp_async.Body.t)) : unit Or_error.t ->
  let r : string Async.Pipe.Reader.t = Cohttp_async.Body.to_pipe body in
  let n : int Deferred.t =
      ~f:(fun acc s ->
            printf "acc : %d\n" acc; Async.return (acc + String.length s)
          ) in
  let _ : unit Deferred.t = n  >>| fun n -> printf "Chars read : %d" n in
  (Ok () : unit Or_error.t)

then (for example), on the first run I might see
acc : 0
acc : 1118
acc : 7503
acc : 8780


and then on the second run I might see
acc : 0
acc : 1118
acc : 4949

but never have I seen "Chars read : 2700816".

I've tried a bunch of different things:

  - `Pipe.read_all`:
       let _ =
         Async.Pipe.read_all r >>|
         fun q -> Queue.iter q ~f:(fun s -> printf "%s" s) in

     No output.
  - `Pipe.drain_and_count`:
      let _ =
        Async.Pipe.drain_and_count r >>|
        fun n -> printf "Count %d\n" n in

    No output.
  - `Pipe.to_list`:
     let _ =
       Async.Pipe.to_list r >>|
       fun l -> printf "%s" (String.concat ~sep:"" l) in

     No output.
Also tried the obvious:

  - `Cohttp_async.Body.to_string`:
      let s = Cohttp_async.Body.to_string body in
      let _ = s >>| fun  s -> printf "%s" s in

    No output.

I'm new to this and obviously missing something fundamental :) Is there a kind soul out there who can give me a hint on how to proceed please?


Shayne Fletcher