Thanks for the suggested workaround. I have to figure out how to implement it. Since I'm using OMake, I can't easily exclude I have to either modify OMake's OCaml module or change my build system completely. On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 1:37 AM, Jacques Garrigue <> wrote: > (added link) > On 2014/09/10 07:21, Ashish Agarwal wrote: > > > Is ocamldep 4.02 supposed to support the -no-alias-deps flag too? It > doesn't, so I'm not sure how to implement the example at the end of Section > 7.17 [1] on a real library. Specifically, I use omake, which calls > ocamldep, and I don't see how to avoid it claiming circular dependencies > even though I've added -no-alias-deps to the compilation flags. > > > > [1] > > > Indeed, this is not supported by ocamldep, and I'm not sure that it would > do > much sense to support it fully at this point, as what you need to do is > going to depend on how you use module aliases. > If you follow the recipe described in my ML workshop slides [2], what you > can do is leave your files unmodified (short names both inside and > outside), and use command line flags for copilation: > ocamlopt -no-alias-deps -open Mylib -o mylibA.cmx > > If you do that, just use ocamldep to compute the dependencies without >, and post-process the results to add a mylib prefix to all file > names. > > Once the common idioms become clearer, we will probably want to add > some kind of support to ocamldep (to avoid this post-processing). > > Jacques Garrigue > > [2] > >