On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:20 PM, Yotam Barnoy <yotambarnoy@gmail.com> wrote:

Is it possible to turn on the wiki in the OCaml github account?

For which repo? If you're asking for the "ocaml" repo, the wiki for it should, if it all, be used only for matters regarding the compiler.

I'm unsure that's what you're looking for since you make reference to previous requests on this mailing list, which were for for broader documentation in general. None of the repos in the OCaml account would make sense for that. We could create a separate ocaml-wiki repo, which could have this broader purpose.

But I see virtually no difference in that and the current ocaml.org implementation, which allows to provide documentation in the same markdown syntax, with the same requirement of a GitHub account. Every ocaml.org page can be edited in your browser just like a wiki, and new pages can be added directly from GitHub's code browser.

The only difference I see is that your change turns into a pull request, rather than going live automatically. I think this is a good thing. It's exactly what is needed to make sure a wiki doesn't wither away into a disorganized mess.

Have you tried ocaml.org for whatever purpose you're thinking? Has it not met your needs in some way? Let us know. It would be better to accommodate what you need in ocaml.org, rather than fragmenting content to another site.