If you do figure out how to get this book, please be sure to submit an update to the ocaml.org/books.html page. Thanks.

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto@dicosmo.org> wrote:
To make things precise, no matter what the contract says, in France,
the IP law states clearly that the editor of a book must
make every effort to make it available.

If the book is out of print, the author can very easily recover
his/her rights fully: just send a letter to the editor mentioning the
book's unavailability and requiring the book to be reprinted; in case
the editor does not comply, the editor's right are simply canceled
and the author recovers them. [1]

I did this with my old "Hijacking the world" book, and that's why
it is now available (for free) on my web page.


Art. L. 132-17. ... La résiliation a lieu de plein droit lorsque, sur mise en demeure de l'auteur lui impartissant un délai convenable, l'éditeur n'a pas procédé à la publication de l'oeuvre ou, en cas d'épuisement, à sa réédition.
   L'édition est considérée comme épuisée si deux demandes de livraisons d'exemplaires adressées à l'éditeur ne sont pas satisfaites dans les trois mois.

On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 04:56:09PM -0000, Jon Harrop wrote:
> > If it's not printed anymore, maybe the author would accept to release
> > a .pdf under a CC license. Even a CC license with NC and/or ND would
> > make it enough for people to read it free of charge.
> If the book was published by the mainstream press then the author will have
> handed over copyright to the publisher in which case the author's wishes are
> irrelevant and republishing it is punishable IP theft. If the author does
> still own the copyright, why give it away for free when you could sell it?
> Cheers,
> Jon.
> --
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Roberto Di Cosmo

Professeur               En delegation a l'INRIA
PPS                      E-mail: roberto@dicosmo.org
Universite Paris Diderot WWW  : http://www.dicosmo.org
Case 7014                Tel  : ++33-(0)1-57 27 92 20
5, Rue Thomas Mann
F-75205 Paris Cedex 13   Identica: http://identi.ca/rdicosmo
FRANCE.                  Twitter: http://twitter.com/rdicosmo
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Caml-list mailing list.  Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs