On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 8:15 AM, David MENTRE <dmentre@linux-france.org> wrote:
Another idea: adapt the book to ePub format extended with Javascript
(apparently latest ePub draft has such scripting capabilities) and use
js_of_ocaml tool to embed an OCaml toplevel inside the book: read the
examples, execute examples, play with the examples! Wouldn't it be
nice? ;-)

If you have an interest in doing this, please join the ocamlweb project [1]. One of the features we'd like to support is good community generated documentation, and this is exactly the kind of technology I'd like to see implemented.
[1] https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-07/msg00093.html

Wouldn't it be the non Free license, I would even start from the PDF. :-(

Unless the original authors gave permission to use it under a different license. This is very likely if we just ask.