On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzli@erratique.ch> wrote:
Le mercredi, 18 décembre 2013 ŕ 19:02, Yotam Barnoy a écrit :
> What's wrong with thin_sdl? Sounds much nicer than tsdl to me. Or slim_sdl.

Right, I have an idea: let's vote on this !

For the record I'm interested in getting feedback about the design of the binding from a usability point of view (especially the result type vs exception issue), not in pointless discussions about the name of the library. The case has been made for having short toplevel names. The name won't change, deal with it or move on making your own with the fucking good toplevel name of your choice.

You ask for feedback. People are kind enough to spend time giving you some, but you get angry that the advice is not exactly what you are looking for. This is a public mailing list, and there is no obligation to discuss only precisely what you want. You are free to ignore advice you don't like.