This is really great!

One comment, it doesn't work on Safari. I see parts of the page, but the dynamic parts don't work. This is a problem I already had on an page, and I reported on the Ocsigen list. When I turn on the javascript debugger in Safari and reload the page, it then works. However, without the javascript console open, refreshing the page does nothing.

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Fabrice Le Fessant <> wrote:
Dear ocamllers,

 We worked hard on our "Try OCaml" website, started by Çagdas, and we
managed to improve it enough, so that we think people can start using it
(and hopefully, improving it).

It is available here:

 There are 3 lessons, two lessons for "getting a taste of OCaml"
(totalling 10 steps), and the last one about some new features in 3.12.
You can use the "lessons()" command in the toplevel to get the current
list of lessons (in case we contribute more in the meantime !).

 We welcome any comment to improve it, bug reports, and new content.
The repository is on Github:

 You can easily fork it, compile it, modify it, and send us pull
requests if you want your content published on our site.

We will probably continue to focus on the first lessons (the "getting a
taste of OCaml" virtual section), but we are also looking for
contributions on advanced topics : we plan to make them start around
lesson 10, and focus on particular issues (modules, functors, labels,
objects, classes, polymorphic variants, etc.). Send us a mail if you
want to volunteer !

 As the engine is translated from OCaml to Javascript by js_of_ocaml,
you can even play with it offline, when you are disconnected.

Have fun,

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