While running opam install [packages], several packages installed fine and then one failed with: The compilation of oasis.0.3.0 failed in /home/aa144/.opam/3.12.1/build/oasis.0.3.0. cannot unlock /home/aa144/.opam/3.12.1/lock (29885) I was running 'opam list' in another window, so perhaps that caused some problems. After this, most commands kept failing with the same error until I manually removed the lock file. But still I get the following errors: $ opam switch system 'opam.opt switch system' failed Fatal error: exception End_of_file at Raised at file "pervasives.ml", line 333, characters 20-31 Called from file "src/opamSystem.ml", line 396, characters 12-25 Called from file "src/opamFilename.ml", line 251, characters 4-39 Called from file "src/opamFilename.ml", line 247, characters 12-15 Re-raised at file "src/opamFilename.ml", line 252, characters 10-11 Called from file "src/opamFilename.ml", line 247, characters 12-15 Re-raised at file "src/opamFilename.ml", line 252, characters 10-11 Called from file "src/opamMain.ml", line 480, characters 6-102 $ opam install oasis 'opam.opt install oasis' failed Fatal error: exception End_of_file at Raised at file "pervasives.ml", line 333, characters 20-31 Called from file "src/opamSystem.ml", line 396, characters 12-25 Called from file "src/opamFilename.ml", line 251, characters 4-39 Called from file "src/opamMain.ml", line 480, characters 6-102