I definitely agree that we need a standardized composition operator. It's so much nicer to have one in the standard library rather than having to define our own. I personally use |- but I would be open to anything of equal length.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 10:11 AM, octachron <octa@polychoron.fr> wrote:
If you just want a short notation for (fun x -> x |> f |> g |> ...),
why not simply define a composition operator?

let (->-) f g x =  x |> f |> g;;
you can rewrite the previous expression as f ->- g ->- h ...
I personally don't think that there is any need for a special syntax here.

At the same time, it could be nice if there was a standardized name for
composition operators.


Le 10/10/15 15:52, Nils Becker a écrit :


just an idea for a short notation which might be appealing:

(|> f |> g |> ... ) as abbreviation for (fun x -> x |> f |> g |> ...)

(|> f) would be just f.

in other words a it's function composition using |> . it looks intuitive
to me. but of course it could be a bad idea for a lot of reasons.


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