Very nice. I've never used any of the deriving extensions before, but I have an aesthetic suggestions. Would it perhaps make sense to generate a module per derived type? For example a type t would generate a module T_ (the underscore or any other suffix would reduce mixups with pre-existing modules). You could then use code such as 'if T_.(a = b && b = c) ...' or ' x ...' which allows you to keep the infix notation for = which is important IMO. You could even generate T_ as having internal Eq, Ord, and Show modules (as requested by the user), which would be included in the T_ module. This would allow you to easily pass them as first class modules to functions accepting Eq, Ord or Show signatures. Yotam On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 5:55 AM, Peter Zotov wrote: > Hello, > > I'm glad to announce an initial release of ppx_deriving, > a modular syntax extension for type-driven code generation. > It will be shortly available in OPAM. > > I will introduce ppx_deriving with an example: > > # #require "ppx_deriving";; > # type file = { > kind : [ `File | `Dir ]; > name : string; > perm : int [@printer fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "0o%03o"]; > } [@@deriving Show, Eq];; > type file = { kind : [ `Dir | `File ]; name : bytes; perm : int; } > val pp_file : Format.formatter -> file -> unit = > val show_file : file -> bytes = > val equal_file : file -> file -> bool = > # print_endline (show_file { kind = `Dir; name = "bin"; perm = 0o755 });; > { kind = `Dir; name = "bin"; perm = 0o755 } > - : unit = () > > A more thorough description is available in README[1]. > > While I intend this release to primarily serve as a preview for > the community and a means to gather feedback, it is fully usable > and documented. Some of the planned features (marked "TBD" in README) > are not yet implemented. > > I hope that ppx_deriving can serve as a future replacement to both > ocsigen's deriving and JaneStreet's type_conv. If you are responsible > for these libraries, please get in touch. The OCaml ecosystem would > benefit from a single type-driven code generation mechanism. > > I welcome any comments. > > [1]: > > -- > Peter Zotov > > > -- > Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives: > > Beginner's list: > Bug reports: >