Amazing! This is SO cool. I'll definitely give it a try.

So here's my followup question: what will it take to have implicits everywhere so we can abolish (ie. deprecate) all polymorphic functions? Is this feasible? Is it as simple as Pervasives declaring implicits for Ord, Eq, Show etc for the basic types?

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Jeremy Yallop <> wrote:
On 9 September 2014 16:32, Yotam Barnoy <> wrote:
> I have a question about the implicit module implementation: Is there any way to
> combine modules automatically? For example, suppose I have a Show implicit
> module and an Ord implicit module, and a function receives both, and wants
> to infer both functionalities for an incoming type so we can run both show
> and compare on the same type. Does the current model cover such a use-case?

Yes, it does.  The implicits language is essentially the same as
OCaml's module language, so you can use constraints/equations on the
module types in the regular way.  For example, suppose you have module
types for SHOW and ORD together with corresponding top-level

  module type SHOW =
    type t
    val show : t -> string

  let show (implicit Show : SHOW) (x : Show.t) = x

  module type ORD =
    type t
    val compare : t -> t -> int

  let compare (implicit Ord : ORD) (x : Ord.t) (y : Ord.t) = x y

You can write a function which operates on a value with implicit
instances for both SHOW and ORD by adding some kind of type
constraint.  For example, you might write:

   let f (implicit Show: SHOW) (implicit Ord: ORD with type t =
Show.t) (x : Show.t) y =
     if compare x y < 0 then show x else show y

or perhaps

   let f (type a) (implicit Show: SHOW with type t = a) (implicit Ord:
ORD with type t = a) (x : a) y =
     if compare x y < 0 then show x else show y

The inferred type is just as you'd expect:

  val f :
    (implicit Show : SHOW with type t = 'a) ->
    (implicit Ord : ORD with type t = 'a) ->
    'a -> 'a -> string

You might like to try out the implementation for yourself, either via
the opam switch or via the IOCaml top-level that Andrew Ray's set up: