My intent was not to fling accusations at anyone, nor to engender defensive remarks. It was simply to say, 

1. Let us learn from this for next year.
2. Let's push through to get something up on youtube, because given the fact that every other workshop is up, there's a possibility that the OCaml workshop will be forgotten about at the end of the day, simply because that's what happens -- busy people forget or put off things that no longer seem relevant. 
3. The biggest movers and shakers in the OCaml community were probably already at ICFP, and so aren't necessarily lobbying for the videos to be put up. These videos serve a huge function, however, in getting people (including myself) excited about the future of the language.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Gabriel Scherer <> wrote:
I hope more effort is made next year into making sure the audio quality is good (I do the video recordings for my CS department, and testing the audio should be one of the first steps).

You are warmly welcome to attend the OCaml workshop next year, and take care of the video and audio recording.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 10:21 PM, Yotam Barnoy <> wrote:
Thanks for the follow-up.

How unfortunate. The latest developments in the world of OCaml and they're just... missing. I hope more effort is made next year into making sure the audio quality is good (I do the video recordings for my CS department, and testing the audio should be one of the first steps).

I hope you keep pinging the ICFP video chair periodically. The way these things often work, if they're not acted upon right away, they're put aside and forgotten about amongst other piles of work.

BTW, was the compiler hacking session at Cambridge recorded? From what I understand, the content this year was essentially a preview of OCaml 2015.


On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Runhang Li <> wrote:
Hi, Yotam and other camels

Video chair of ICFP told me that he has not uploaded videos because the audio has poor quality. He’s improving them but might give up and upload them anyway. If anyone knows how to improve the audio quality, please contact him (Iavor Diatchki,


On Sep 7, 2015, at 10:28 PM, Yotam Barnoy <> wrote:

OK, thanks for the additional info!

On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 5:25 PM, Runhang Li <> wrote:
Hi, Yotam

I believe student volunteers or ACM/SIGPLAN members are still editing videos. There are lots of workshops these days and preparing videos takes time. As I have seen, number of playlists [1] is increasing slowly. 

Also notice that every speaker needs to sign a consent form to allow ACM to distribute and use the videos they record. However, not everyone agrees to let ACM use the video. Maybe some of the talks are not available. 




On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Yotam Barnoy <> wrote:

Thanks for the reply, Runhang.

It is now 3 days later (admittedly, after a weekend, and on Labor day in the US). The ICFP videos (even recent ones) are all up on the youtube channel I mentioned, but none of the OCaml 2015 or ML workshop are up. Does anyone have further information?


On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Runhang Li <> wrote:
Hi, Yotam

ML family workshop just finished yesterday and I believe videos will be shortly available. For OCaml workshop, it is going on right now. 



On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Yotam Barnoy <> wrote:

Anybody know if the OCaml talks will be up on ICFP's youtube channel ( 

