Ackermann function! That's a familiar beast, but I only thought I knew it by name (heard of it, never "saw" it). Now that I see it, it was part of a puzzle that I extracted from asm, translated into OCaml, converted to a recursive loop without global state... and ended up with almost exactly that definition. I tried optimizing it for a day... and my notes look like the Wikipedia page, now that I know what to look for. The challenge involved computing A(4,1,p), discovering 'p' which results in '6' (word-wrapped on a 15-bit virtual machine). Eventually I gave up on reducing or optimizing and memoized... churning through over 20k values of 'p' in less than an hour to find my answer. I get slightly different, but very consistent, timing (OCaml 4.00.0). In particular, the timing of ack1 and ack3 are "toggled" compared to yours: 0:04.89 0:04.89 0:03.98 0:03.98 0:05.23 I'd also expect this kind of result due to alignment. And for fun I added ack5, which is the non-match implementation I ended up deriving from some disassembly: let test r7 = let rec loop x y = if x = 0 then y+1 else if y = 0 then loop (x-1) r7 else loop (x-1) (loop x (y-1)) in loop 4 1 let _ = test 1 I didn't compare asm outputs, but looks like this version adds a small "something".