For local libraries, my "make install" amounts to copying the relevant files into the system OCaml directory (ie. /usr/local/lib64/ocaml). Terrible, I know. Now I'm switching to using OPAM for general use, and packaging up local libraries so that OPAM can be aware of them and install them in its managed environment. But I figure OPAM will be expecting a more sane, environment-sensitive install... right? Otherwise it must do some voodoo. Is there a simple example of an appropriate install process suitable for use with OPAM? I've tried looking at a few existing packages and the build+install process, as usual, is convoluted... not as obscure as autotools, but different for each project. Is findlib still applicable? Or some other means to query the system install directory? Maybe someone has blog/page covering "library build/install/packaging suitable for the OCaml ecosystem, from .ml to OPAM"? Thank-you for any help! -Tony