Hi all I am looking at the source of Random module https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/blob/master/stdlib/random.ml I found that it is tested via chi-square test, here is the test code inside: (* Return the sum of the squares of v[i0,i1[ *) let rec sumsq v i0 i1 = if i0 >= i1 then 0.0 else if i1 = i0 + 1 then Pervasives.float v.(i0) *. Pervasives.float v.(i0) else sumsq v i0 ((i0+i1)/2) +. sumsq v ((i0+i1)/2) i1 ;; let chisquare g n r = if n <= 10 * r then invalid_arg "chisquare"; let f = Array.make r 0 in for i = 1 to n do let t = g r in f.(t) <- f.(t) + 1 done; let t = sumsq f 0 r and r = Pervasives.float r and n = Pervasives.float n in let sr = 2.0 *. sqrt r in (r -. sr, (r *. t /. n) -. n, r +. sr) ;; I understand how the chi-square is calculated there. What I don't understand is this comment: (* Test functions. Not included in the library. The [chisquare] function should be called with n > 10r. It returns a triple (low, actual, high). If low <= actual <= high, the [g] function passed the test, otherwise it failed. *) From my knowledge, if I get a chi-square value, I should check it against a table with the degree of freedom and then decide whether the null hypothesis fails or not. Why (r -. sr, (r *. t /. n) -. n, r +. sr) can be used to check? What's the theory behind? thanks Dan