Dear OCaml developers: BuckleScript is an optimizing compiler for OCaml to generate readable _javascript_, it is open sourced by Bloomberg [1] (also supported by Facebook ReasonML team). Two major changes brought by this release: 1. Namespace support. Unlike most existing implementations, the namespace support is non leaky which means you have and only have one way to access `Pkg.A`, the build system makes full use of concurrency, it is highly performant and scalable. 2. Better error message, this is mostly brought by Facebook ReasonML team, they wrote a blog about it [2] A non complete list of changes are listed here: BuckleScript is indeed growing quickly these days [3], there is a large chance that we can make it reasonably popular and reach a 10x larger audience, contributions are much appreciated. Documentation is available here: To install: npm install -g bs-platform Happy hacking in OCaml! -- Hongbo [1]: [2]: [3]: -- Regards -- Hongbo Zhang