Thanks. it helps.
Here's what I really want, is there any way to walk around if not possible?

S1 is not written by me.
module type S1 = sig
  module Inner  : sig
    type 'a t
    val add : 'a t -> 'a t -> int 

let f1
    (type s)
    (type a)
    (module Y : S1 with type s Inner.t = a) (y: s Y.Inner.t) =
  Y.Inner.add y y 
On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 11:22 PM, Jacques Garrigue <> wrote:
On 2012/06/08, at 11:35, Hongbo Zhang wrote:

> Hi, List
>  I am not sure this is a bug or not?
>  Below is a contrived example:
> ------------------
>  module type S = sig
>    type t=int
>    module  X : sig type u   end
>  end
>  let f ( module X : S)  (y:X.X.u) =
>  3
> --------------------
> Error: This pattern matches values of type X.X.u
>      but a pattern was expected which matches values of type X.X.u
>      The type constructor X.X.u would escape its scope
> -- Thanks

Definitely, this is not a bug.
Type X.X.u is abstract, and showing it outside (as by taking an argument
of that type) would be meaningless.

What you might have meant is:

 let f (type a) (module X : S with type X.u = a) (y : X.X.u) = 3

This is typable (but I'm not sure it means anything...)

Jacques Garrigue

-- Bob