Dear Oleg,
   After reading the patch of BER MetaOCaml today, I found that it is not too hard to port camlp4/Fan to support metaocaml.
   I tried to compile and install metaocaml with the patches you provided:

   I get an install error
./build/ line 25: config/ No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1

   After I ignore the error message, the metaocaml toplevel works perfectly well.

   But if I customized my own toplevel (I used my toplevel as 'ocamlmktop -custom -o mocaml')
   mocaml is bundled with compiler-libs, the toplevel does not work, I get the following
   error message:
   # let spower7 = .! spower7_code;;
   Error: Reference to undefined global `Runcode'

  Currently metaocaml does not support native code, but it seems that the patch only installs ocamlc, is it possible to get ocamlc.opt installed as well? (not the ocamlopt.opt) ocamlbuild is not installed either. It would be even nicer that ocamlopt.opt could be installed without supporting metaocaml, otherwise I have to switch between different compilers from time to time.

   Would you mind get the ocamlbuild, ocamlc.opt also works? I would be happy to port Fan/Camlp4 to support metaoaml, and it would be really cool to get compile-time and run-time metaprogramming work together

   Thank you in advance!