
On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Richard Neswold <rich.neswold@gmail.com> wrote:

What would be the appropriate way to use LWT and LabGL together?

My gut feeling would be to have the core model and logic to be LWT with a 'detached' thread executing the OpenGL main loop. The thread would get events through the reactive module and would update the display accordingly.

The problem is I'm still trying to wrap my head around LWT and I'm not sure a detached thread can participate with the LWT environment it was spawned from. It appears the detached thread is supposed to do something and eventually return a value.

Yes, the purpose of Lwt_preemptive.detach is to execute a blocking action in a separate system thread in order not to block all lwt threads. And from another system thread you cannot run lwt code directly, you have to use Lwt_preemptive.run_in_main.
Is the correct approach to use a detached thread to make the individual OpenGL calls?

I think that would be very slow, as in involves system thread synchronization. 
Any recommendations or resources on the subject would be appreciated.

You could try to assume  that OpenGL calls are fast and perform them in the same thread as lwt.
