I am pleased to announce the 110.01.00 release of the Core suite. The following packages were upgraded: - async - async_extra - async_kernel - async_unix - core - core_extended - core_kernel - ocaml_plugin - pa_test - pipebang - sexplib Files and documentation for this release are available on our website and all packages are in opam: https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/110.01.00/individual/ https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/110.01.00/doc/ Here is list of changes for this version: # 110.01.00 ## async_extra - Added `Cpu_usage.Sampler` for directly sampling CPU usage. - Fixed `Log.rotate` to never raise. - Fixed two bugs in `Log` rotation. * Log rotation had used the wrong date when checking whether it should rotate. * Made `Rotation.keep = \`At_least` delete the oldest, rather than the newest, logs. ## async_kernel - Added `Deferred.Result.map_error`. ## core - Fixed `Time` unit tests that failed in London because of timezone dependence. - Added `Iobuf.protect_window_and_bounds`, which calls a user function and restores the iobuf's bounds afterwards. - Fixed compilation on OpenBSD, which doesn't support `Unix.mcast_join`'s `?source : Inet_addr.t` argument. ## core_kernel - Changed `Queue` from a linked to an array-backed implementation. Renamed the previous implementation to `Linked_queue`. Renamed `transfer`, which was constant time, as `blit_transfer`, which is linear time. Removed `partial_iter`. One can use `with_return`. Added `singleton`, `filter`, `get`, `set`. - For `Error` and `Info`, changed `to_string_hum` to use `sexp_of_t` and `Sexp.to_string_hum`, rather than a custom string format. - Changed the output format of `Validate.errors` to be a sexp. - Added `Hashtbl.of_alist_or_error` and `Map.of_alist_or_error`. - Added `String_id.Make` functor, which includes a module name for better error messages. - Exposed `Bucket.size`. - Changed the default for `Debug.should_print_backtrace` to be `false` rather than `true`. Usually the backtraces are noise. - Removed the tuning of gc parameters built in to Core, so that the default is now the stock OCaml settings. Such tuning doesn't belong in Core, but rather done per application. Also, the Core settings had fallen way out of date, and not kept up with changes in the OCaml runtime settings. We have one example (lwt on async) where the Core settings significantly slowed down a program. - Added `Exn.raise_without_backtrace`, to raise without building a backtrace. `raise_without_backtrace` never builds a backtrace, even when `Backtrace.am_recording ()`. - Made `with_return` faster by using `Exn.raise_without_backtrace`. - Improved `with_return` to detect usage of a `return` after its creating `with_return` has returned. ## ocaml_plugin - Added `cmi`'s so that plugins can use `lazy`, recursive modules, and objects. ## pa_test - For `<:test_result< >>`, renamed `~expected` to `~expect` ## sexplib - Added `with sexp` support for mutually recursive types with common fields. For instance: ```ocaml type a = { fl : float } and b = { fl : int } with sexp ``` Closes #3 - Fixed the behavior of sexplib on `private` types. sexplib used to ignore the `private` modifier, which means generated functions had the wrong type. Now, it generates a function with the right type for `sexp_of` and refuses to generate anything for `of_sexp`. - Added `Macro.expand_local_macros`, which macro expands sexps, failing on `:include` macros. - Fixed `Macro`'s handling of nested `:include`'s which was broken with respect to paths. Prior to this fix, `:include`'s were broken with respect to the path used to resolve the filename. Including a file outside the current directory which included another file relative to that one would break. -- Jeremie Dimino, for the Core team