
In preparation for the 113.24 release of Jane Street packages, which are camlp4-free, we moved some Camlp4 syntax extensions into their own packages [1]. As a result some findlib packages have been renamed. For instance the old sexplib.syntax is now called pa_sexp_conv.

Details and upgrading instructions can be found in the opam repository changelog [2].

Since the upcoming 113.24 release of sexplib, bin_prot and a few other packages breaks compatibility due to these renamings, version constraints were automatically added to the appropriate opam packages.

This is the list of affected packages:

- async-zmq
- bookaml
- camlhighlight
- charrua-core
- cohttp
- colors_js
- conduit
- cstruct
- extprot
- ezjsonm
- frenetic
- git-unix
- ibx
- ipaddr
- irmin
- lambdoc
- lazy-trie
- merge-queues
- merge-ropes
- mirage
- mirage-git
- mirage-http
- mirage-tc
- mirage-types
- mirage-types-lwt
- mustache
- nocrypto
- obeanstalk
- ocaml-markdown
- oloop
- openflow
- operf-macro
- opium
- otr
- packet
- perf
- planck
- protocol-9p
- qcow-format
- shared-block-ring
- sibylfs
- sill
- tls
- tlstunnel
- topology
- uri
- vchan
- x509
- xapi-backtrace
- xapi-stdext
- xapi-xenopsd
- xentropyd

If you maintain any of these packages, you are kindly invited to follow the upgrading instructions [2].

Moving forward, we encourage people using any of our Camlp4 syntax extensions to switch to their ppx replacements.

 [1] https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/5414
 [2] https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/blob/master/CHANGES.md

​ Dimino