
There is no real equivalent of Haskell's killthread in lwt or async. The closest in lwt is Lwt.cancel: if a thread is blocked on a cancelable operation, this one will fail with Lwt.Canceled. Cancelable operations include: sockets and pipes IO, sleeping, waiting on an mvar, etc...

In async the way to do it is to pass an "interrupt" deferred (basically just a [unit Deferred.t] value) down to low-level fd operations. When this deferred becomes determined the operation in progress will be interrupted.

Hope that helps,

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 7:34 PM, Nicolas Ojeda Bar <N.Ojeda.Bar@dpmms.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

Is there a way to raise an exception in a different thread than the
currently executing one with lwt? What about J. Street's async?

I am essentially looking for a replacement of Haskell's 'killthread'.

Thank you very much,

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