Hi Christopher,

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Christopher Yocum <cyocum@gmail.com> wrote:
I saw that there is dead code elimination in 4.02.0 and I thought to myself that this would help make Core's very large binaries smaller.  So, I switch compilers and did a test.  Unfortunately, a small sample program compiled with ocamlopt and using Core.Std.List was still 11MB.  I very much doubt that my binary really needs to be 11MB.  Is there a way to shrink the size?  I had heard about namesapces elsewhere before but I think that discussion died.

AFAIK 4.02 doesn't do much more dead code elimination than 4.01. There is an entry about dead code elimination in the changelog but it is a local optimization that is unlikely to change the size of binaries much.

However there is a new feature of 4.02 that will help reduce the size of binaries using Core: module aliases. Core will have to be updated to take advantage of it. We are hopping to release a new version of Core using module aliases soon.
