
Submitted new issue:


On Thu, Jul 6, 2017, 01:52 Francois BERENGER <berenger@bioreg.kyushu-u.ac.jp> wrote:
On 07/05/2017 06:28 PM, Vivien Kraus wrote:
> Hello,
> It is produced by the configure script from DevFiles, and not the
> setup.ml script.

OK, you are right and it fixed my problem.

However, oasis doesn't complain when
AlphaFeatures: compiled_setup_ml
is present but
Plugins:     DevFiles (0.4)
is not.

I think it's a bug.
At least a warning should be generated in this case.
Or, maybe oasis should infer automatically the Plugins part.

Thanks for the help,

> See your "configure script", it has a line for this :
> if [ ! -e setup.exe ] || [ _oasis -nt setup.exe ] || [ setup.ml -nt
> setup.exe ] || [ configure -nt setup.exe ]; then
>    ocamlfind ocamlopt -o setup.exe setup.ml || ocamlfind ocamlc -o
> setup.exe setup.ml || exit 1
>    rm -f setup.cmi setup.cmo setup.cmx setup.o setup.cmt
> fi
> Regards,
> Vivien
> Le 05/07/2017 à 10:20, Francois BERENGER a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I added AlphaFeatures: compiled_setup_ml
>> in my _oasis file, but I don't see this exe being produced.
>> Are there some magic words I should pronounce (on the command line)
>> to make it appear?
>> Which oasis step or invocation of 'ocaml setup.ml' is supposed to
>> produce it?
>> Thanks,
>> F.